This time you need four products. I didn’t include scissors or a round stick/barrel because I figured you would use what you have. All we really have to have is paper (I recommend you use heavier card stock, at least 65 lb), 1″ paper punch, invisible tape and 26 gauge wire. You can use other gauges but 26 seems to be the sweet spot. I have 22 and 24, you don’t get as much Wiggle out of them.
Punch out 2 circles. This is going to be the top and bottom of your Wiggle.
After you have your circles punched out, take something that is about 1″- 1 1/2″ in diameter. Place one end of your wire flat against it and wrap around twice.
Cut the wire close. It should look like this.
See, it makes a nice little spring form.
Now take and tape one end of the wire to one circle. Believe it or not, the tape holds it quite well. I have never had a problem with the wire coming up. If you think of better method, use that. Use whatever it takes to make it work for you.
Proceed to tape the other end on your second circle. Here I have already glued it to the back of my bigger circle that I stamped and getting ready to fasten it to the card. I guess I didn’t take a picture of that step. Sorry, I hope it still makes sense. Once you have the spring glued to both discs, it can be used for any shape. Check out my sis’s birthday card.
Here it is going onto my example card. The Tooth Fairy seal of approval stamp from A Jillian Vance Design is about to get jiggy wit it.
I can hear Will Smith singing now! Na na na na na na na nana……getting jiggy wit it! Oooo, maybe Jiggies© would be a better name. hehehe Would you like to see it in action? Check out the video I made below and then get to making your own!
That is pretty cool, I’m loving all of your tutorials, I am still waiting for the hubby to cut my pvc pipe for the daubers! Thanks for the money saving tips! By the way, your nails look beautiful!
Very cool Becki! I really need to buy some wire, I’ve been meaning to for quite a while now, you just gave me one more reason!
<3 Alyssa
I think this is awesome! I’ve had those action wobbles in and out of my amazon cart so many times in the past few weeks, and I noticed that after more people found out about them recently the prices have gone up. I love your idea, plus you can make them as small as you need this way. I’m looking forward to trying it out!
Thanks, ladies!
@Scrappin Dhilly, tell your husband to get crackin’! LOL Thanks for the nail compliment! I just painted them yesterday. Sinful Colors in Bikini for the win!
@Alyssa, buy some stat! I can only imagine what you would make with your own wobblers.
@Candi, when I went to check the price a couple of days ago I noticed that too. Well now you don’t have to worry about price fluctuation!
Love the tutorial! Thanks for sharing.
You totally ROCK! Love this and I never thought of using that tape…really it seems that us crafters get all uppity about supplies but sometimesit’s the cheaper ones that work best!
@Julieta, thanks for commenting and stopping by!
@Bee, thanks! I know there are so many awesome tools for us crafters but the companies must think we all have money or will buy it because it is the next big thing. I will say I do get a quick pang of jealousy when I see another crafty friend buying all the new stuff like a crazy person. Then I realize I am such a cheap person I look for ways to save. Then I get happy and satisfaction. Another way of being crafty!
I have wire just sitting in my drawer needing to be used. LOL
Love the nails!
Well, hop to it Michelle! LOL Thanks for the nail compliment. hehehe, I am currently painting them green for St. Paddy’s day and might just add ScrappyDew’s clover to one nail.
I LOVE this so much! Thanks for the $$saving tips! Can’t wait to make some, and I love Candi’s idea for making them different sizes! FUN FUN!
Thanks for sharing, great idea!!
I LOVE you Idea’s! First thing in the morning I am going to the store, purchasing 26” gauge wire and I am going to make some wiggles! Show my friends! You are Awesome!
Let me know how it works out!
huh, good tutorial. Especially if you need one n a pinch. By the way you need the trademark symbol ( little TM that’s superscripted. Copyright would be your tutorial, wiggles would need trademark. Unfortunately, unlike copyright which naturally attached trademark requires the paperwork.